DeAgostini The Return of the King statistics & discussion


Here are some statistics for the Return of the King DeAgostini campaign:

Total number of scenarios: 4

Number of Good victories: 2

Number of Draws: 1

Number of Evil victories: 1

Total number of kills performed by named Heroes: 53 for Good, 18 for Evil

Total number of unique miniatures used (excluding different Hero poses): 93 for Good, 123 for Evil
Total number of miniature participants used (excluding respawns and continuation characters): 144 for Good, 173 for Evil

Frodo: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 0.00
Sam: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 0 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 0.00
Pippin: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 2 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 0.00
Aragorn: Kills: 13 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 6.50
Legolas: Kills: 6 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 3.00
Gimli: Kills: 9 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 4.50
Gandalf the White: Kills: 6 | Deaths: 0 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 3.00
Faramir: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 2 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 0.00         
Beregond: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 2 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 0.00
Irolas: Kills: 3 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 1.50
King of the Dead: Kills: 5 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 5.00
Shadowfax: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 0.00
Gwaihir: Kills: 8 | Deaths: 0 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills / scenario: 8.00

Shelob: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 0 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 0.00
Gollum: Kills: 1 | Deaths: 0 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 0.50
Gothmog: Kills: 7 | Deaths: 2 | Scenarios participated: 2 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 3.50
Uglúk: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 0.00
The Witch-King: Kills: 10 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 10.00
The Mouth of Sauron: Kills: 0 | Deaths: 1 | Scenarios participated: 1 | Avg # Kills/ scenario: 0.00

Most kills: Aragorn (13)
Most deaths: Pippin (2), Faramir (2), Beregond (2), Gothmog (2)
Highest Avg # Kills /scenario: Witch-King (10.00)

Personal MVP: Gandalf the White, he slayed a lot of Ringwraiths and never died. His casting could have been better, but in part that is due to a lack of Will that he recovered after the big siege of Minas Tirith. The Great Eagles were great and essential too. On the Evil side, the Witch-King fully kitted out on his serpent was a true killing machine and I enjoyed wreaking havoc with him.


It is done. The Lord of the Rings campaign has now been fully completed. I’m feeling quite emotional thinking about me starting this whole project back at the end of 2018. So much has happened in my life since then. The small hobby fun that I started with has made way for shelves filled with tons of terrain, painted miniatures and a lot of new SBG books. It feels a bit like a coming of age, both as a person as well as a hobbyist. I am very proud of the Siege of Minas Tirith battle report and everything I’ve achieved in this campaign. Doing this all properly has been a childhood dream for me and then to complete it naturally moves me. I would like to thank everyone that followed along with the journey, had I not had such wonderful support here, on the One Ring forums and Facebook, I may not have gone through with this much effort.

Back to the Return of the King section of this campaign. I do think it’s a pity I only played 4 scenarios. A couple more smaller ones would have been nice, though the potential for them to show up is there, it just didn’t happen in my playthrough of the campaign. Hopefully I can one day do it all again with actual opponents that time around. That will likely not be soon though! The final scenario did leave a bit of a disappointing feeling, not the feeling I was hoping for or expecting after all these hours I poured into it! But I feel I’ve discussed that enough in that battle report. Looking back on the campaign as a whole I can feel content. So on to the more fun things:

Personal highlights for me were:

  • Shelob’s Lair, very fun, quick and tense scenario. Played in under 20 minutes.
  • The Siege of Minas Tirith, the big battle, this was a lot more interesting and tense than you might think based on a 2400 point vs 2400 point match up. Very iconic with lots of named Heroes and special characters. It took about 8-10 hours to play and ten times that in preparation, but I would say it was worth it. This is also the one I feel most proud of hobby wise. Both in my writing of the battle report as the scratch build terrain and the photos (that were taken by my girlfriend so I can’t take credit for those!).

One Comment

  1. Congratulations on finishing the campaign. At one point, I dreamed of playing all the narrative campaigns GW has released and eventually I thought about just playing one and well, I never even managed that. Being able to play a full campaign is a real accomplishment and I would be a bit emotional if I managed to complete one too! The statistics on the campaign are truly impressive as well. I don’t think I could manage to do that, even if I tried!

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