DeAgostini The Return of the King statistics & discussion

Statistics Here are some statistics for the Return of the King DeAgostini campaign: Total number of scenarios: 4 Number of Good victories: 2 Number of Draws: 1 Number of Evil victories: 1 Total number of kills performed by named Heroes: 53 for Good, 18 for Evil Total number of unique miniatures used (excluding different Hero …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Return of the King – Scenario 4: The End of All Things

Sunday 19 September 2021 – This is it. Everything in this campaign has led to this one moment in time. The end of all things, the fate of Middle-earth will be decided on this day. Aragorn has been slain and Rohan hasn’t been able to join forces with Gondor, so now it is up to …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Return of the King – Scenario 3: Siege of Minas Tirith

Saturday 07 & Sunday 08 August 2021 – It is time for the great battle of our time. A 2400+ per side point battle of SBG to be precise. Sauron has sent his forces to besiege Minas Tirith. Gandalf the White rallies the men of Minas Tirith to stand their ground. This scenario is found …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Return of the King – Scenario 2: River Assault

Monday 30 March 2020 – After the assault on Helm’s Deep, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli realize that they are needed in Gondor. Aragorn will go to Osgiliath to delay the assault on Minas Tirith, while Legolas and Gimli will travel with Gandalf to Minas Tirith to warn the Men of the White City of their …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Return of the King – Scenario 1: Shelob’s Lair

Thursday 20 February 2020 – Having escaped the city of Osgiliath through the sewers, Frodo and Sam are tricked into entering Shelob’s Lair. Gollum’s master plan comes to fruition as a certain hungry spider enters the scene. This scenario is found in BGiME magazine #63 and is played exactly as described, except I’m using the …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Two Towers – Scenario 12: Escape from Osgiliath

Wednesday 19 February 2020 – Having escaped the assault on the ranger base at the Forbidden Pool, Frodo, Sam and Gollum will now leave the city of Osgiliath to try and enter the lands of Mordor undetected. They escape through the sewers and are escorted by a small patrol of warriors of Minas Tirith. They …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Two Towers – Scenario 11: Breach the Dam

Saturday 1 February 2020 – After learning of Saruman’s betrayal, the Ents are roused by the two Hobbits that made it to Fangorn. An Entmoot is called and Treebeard leads his friends into battle, to take revenge on Saruman. This scenario is found in DeAgostini BGiME magazine #32 and is played exactly as described, except …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Two Towers – Scenario 10: Retreat to the Keep

Wednesday 1 January 2020 – After holding the Deeping Wall just long enough, our Heroes will try to retreat to the Keep with Théoden, hoping for Gandalf to arrive with reinforcements. Théoden will not simply leave his post however and the Uruk-hai are very numerous. This scenario is found in DeAgostini BGiME magazine #30, with …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Two Towers – Scenario 9: The Deeping Wall

Wednesday 18 December 2019 – After barely escaping Sharku and his Warg riders, our Heroes find themselves reinforced by Haldir and a host of Galadhrim. There is no time for rest however, as a host of Uruk-hai has marched all the way from Isengard to lay waste to the fortress of Helm’s Deep. This scenario …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Two Towers – Scenario 8: Retreat from Edoras

Saturday 05 October 2019 – After Saruman lost his influence over king Théoden, the king of Rohan decides to evacuate his people to the safety of Helm’s Deep. The journey is quite long, however, and will prove to be quite dangerous as Saruman learns of Théoden’s plan and sends his Wargs to harass the evacuating …