Siege of Gondor (2003) Scenario 5: Act Four: The Siege of Minas Tirith

Wednesday 2 August 2022 – The final defences of Minas Tirith have fallen, and now only the city itself stands between Sauron and the dawn of a new age where he is the dominant power. In these final hours of the siege it is Gandalf who saves Minas Tirith from doom. Wherever he strides, hope …

Siege of Gondor (2003) Scenario 4: Act Three: The Rammas

Friday 25 March 2022 – As the final players move into position, Faramir is ejected from Osgiliath by the forces under Gothmog’s command. Desperate to buy some time, Faramir rallies his survivors to the fortifications along the Rammas, the rampart that is the boundary of the Pelennor fields. Cair Andros has fallen, and even now …

Siege of Gondor (2003) Scenario 3: Act Two: Second Assault on Cair Andros

Sunday 20 March 2022 – In several hours of desperate fighting, Faramir’s garrison at Cair Andros has failed in repelling the assault upon the fortress-island. The Orcs push on and hope to fully take over the island. This scenario is found in the Siege of Gondor (2003) supplement, scenario number 3. It is the third …

Siege of Gondor (2003) Scenario 2: Act One: First Assault on Cair Andros

Wednesday 16 March 2022 – Boromir has gone into the north to Imladris. Meanwhile, Gondor strives to ward off Sauron’s attacks, which increase in intensity and vigour with every day. As another assault is launched, the armies of Mordor split their forces, some continuing to hold portions of Osgiliath and preventing Denethor’s forces from recapturing …

Siege of Gondor (2003) Scenario 1: Prologue: Osgiliath

Wednesday 24 & Saturday 27 February & 2 March 2022 – While the armies of Gondor dwindle, Sauron’s forces continue to grow. He is now certain that the One Ring will soon be his and his long-planned assault on Middle-earth is about to begin. As the opening thrust, his forces redouble their efforts in Osgiliath, …