Fall of the Necromancer – Scenario 2: The Gathering Evil

Sunday 27 & Tuesday 29 October 2024 An elven patrol has found news of the Necromancer’s activities and wants to give this information to their king, Thranduil. However, the Necromancer and a group of orcs try to stop this from happening. Participants Good (11 models) Evil (13 models) 1 Mirkwood Ranger Captain The Necromancer (with …

Fall of the Necromancer – Scenario 1: The Founding of Dol Guldur

Thursday 10 October 2024 Over a thousand years passed since Sauron was defeated. Now, he has returned, though not yet in full form. He secretly makes it to the southern region of the Greenwood where he wants to get rid of the Woodsmen living there, so that he can take residence there for himself. Will …