DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Fellowship of the Ring – Scenario 2: Escape from Bree

Monday 21 January 2019 – The second scenario in the DeAgostini campaign was Escape from Bree, which can be found in issue #61. The four hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin) have met Strider in the Prancing Pony. The Nazgûl have caught wind of the Ring’s whereabouts and sneakily invade the city of Bree. Four …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Fellowship of the Ring – Scenario 1: Flight to the Bucklebury Ferry

Sunday 13 January 2019 – Welcome dear reader to the start of the DeAgostini campaign for The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. Having been a collector and player of this game since the release of the first DeAgostini magazine featuring this great game back in 2002, I’ve always wanted to recreate and replay …