Scouring of the Shire (2004) Scenario 6: The Battle of Bywater

Saturday 22 January 2022 – “Awake! Awake! Fear, fire, foes! Awake!”. The rallying cry of the Bucklanders and the courage of the Travellers has spurred the Hobbits of the Shire into actions against the Ruffians once and for all. Throughout the night Hobbits flock to the bonfire that the Travellers set ablaze, and in the …

Scouring of the Shire (2004) Scenario 5: The Southfarthing

Friday 24 December 2021 – Almost simultaneous with the Battle of Bywater, Paladin Took leads an impressive force of Hobbits to Longbottom to oust the Ruffians from the area. The Tooks are launching a concerted attack to drive the Ruffians out of the Southfarthing once and for all. Well aware that the villainous Ruffians will …

Scouring of the Shire (2004) Scenario 4: The Old Store House

Monday 20 December 2021 – Under orders from Paladin, a bold group of Hobbits sneaks out in cover of darkness to raid the Old Store House, a building with sides that groan with food and supplies stolen by the Ruffians. No Took is willing to kill for something as simple as good food, so the …

Scouring of the Shire (2004) Scenario 3: Brockenborings

Tuesday 14 December 2021 – Lotho Sackville-Baggins is dead, murdered by the evil and utterly mad Worm. Now, with his presence revealed and all but Tookland under his sway, Sharkey begins to exercise his dominion with undisguised malice. Fredegar Bolger, loyal friend to Frodo, has been gathering dissenting Hobbits from the regions around the Brockenbores. …

Scouring of the Shire (2004) Scenario 2: Beating the Bounds

Wednesday 8 December 2021 – Encouraged by the apparent pact between Lotho and Sharkey and filled by evil intent, the ruffians have begun to enter the Shire in increasing numbers. Paladin Took, Thain and patriarchal head of the Tooks, is unwilling to see his ancestral lands meet the same fate as the rest of the …

Scouring of the Shire (2004) Scenario 1: Maggot’s Farm

Tuesday 9 November 2021 – Sharkey is slowly building up his forces in Hobbiton, sending more and more of his Ruffians to empower Lotho and his plans. Most such men travel up the Greenway, but a few, travelling from Bree, cut across Buckland and across Farmer Maggot’s land on their journey. It is a rainy …

Scouring of the Shire (2004) – Appendix – Scenario 12: The Road to Rivendell

Please note: I lost most of the images that were in the original article, so this is now a mostly text-based report. Friday 22 October 2021 – Bilbo Baggins, Hobbiton’s best-known eccentric has disappeared in the midst of his eleventy-first birthday party – right before the eyes of one hundred and forty-five Hobbits, no less. …

DeAgostini The Return of the King statistics & discussion

Statistics Here are some statistics for the Return of the King DeAgostini campaign: Total number of scenarios: 4 Number of Good victories: 2 Number of Draws: 1 Number of Evil victories: 1 Total number of kills performed by named Heroes: 53 for Good, 18 for Evil Total number of unique miniatures used (excluding different Hero …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Return of the King – Scenario 4: The End of All Things

Sunday 19 September 2021 – This is it. Everything in this campaign has led to this one moment in time. The end of all things, the fate of Middle-earth will be decided on this day. Aragorn has been slain and Rohan hasn’t been able to join forces with Gondor, so now it is up to …

DeAgostini The Lord of the Rings Campaign – The Return of the King – Scenario 3: Siege of Minas Tirith

Saturday 07 & Sunday 08 August 2021 – It is time for the great battle of our time. A 2400+ per side point battle of SBG to be precise. Sauron has sent his forces to besiege Minas Tirith. Gandalf the White rallies the men of Minas Tirith to stand their ground. This scenario is found …